The unthinkable has happened. Suborned members of the military have taken control of the nation’s nuclear weapons. They have begun to systematically destroy the financial and economic infrastructure of the United States. It is the beginning of the next chapter of their lives for the Cubis family and their friends and neighbors.
In Succubus: Book Two, the storm clouds darken, leading into an unknown future for Rebecca and Francis, showing us new friends and challenges and how they face them. You will meet some old friends and find some new enemies.
The screen cleared and showed a disheveled woman standing facing the camera. Her face was smudged with dirt. A scratch on her chin trickled a line of blood down her neck. In the background, a massive pillar of black and red smoke towered toward the sky.
“This is Sara Thorne. We are at the intersection of Ogden and Cermak. About three minutes ago, we saw a very bright flash in the sky to the southeast of us. It was followed by another about a minute later to the east of us. All we can see from here is a huge fireball. Can someone please tell me what to do? My editor was looking in the direction of the second flash, and now he’s blind. Please help us!”