A New World, Book 1

A New World picks up immediately after the end of Blood of Patriots and follows the main characters as they find their way through the new world The War has created. Part One, which is the novel currently in your hands, concerns itself with Babies! Guardian Kits! Sex! Love! Revenge! Magic! Part Two (forthcoming), will cover the challenges our friends will face with.the new realities of their world.

“Paladin Boone,” Rebecca asked, “in my official capacity, how did your meeting with General Peters go?”

Boone sighed, “About as well as I expected for a first meeting. The usual suspicion and distrust. I had to do a small magic show to convince them that what I said was at least partially true. But, not to worry,” he said, referring to the look of surprise on Rebecca’s face. “They took my weapons at the front gate, and once I was in the meeting with the General and his chief of staff, I simply brought them back to my person. Then, after we had talked, I vanished to appear on your doorstep. Nothing major, just enough to impress them that the wild magic is real. I left a lodestone with General Peters so he can contact me, but I’m guessing he will contact you first, as a human and a friend, until he learns to trust me. You may need Lilith’s assistance, but I will leave that to you. He was more cooperative and open than in the Second District, where they tried to shoot me.”

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